Facultad Tecnológica de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile and the Editors assume no responsibility for the statements in the articles; authors carry the scientific and legal responsibilities of their own articles. The manuscript which is submitted to the journal must not contain previously published material or material under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submission of a paper implies that all authors have examined, tried out and approved the manuscript and its contents, and that they are aware of the responsibilities connected to authorship. Signatures from all the authors are not required; it is the corresponding author’s responsibility to obtain agreement from all authors supporting the submission.
Below are the main directions about format for authors, who can submit by E-mail theirs articles to Editors. Editors will send the works to a blind revision: authors don’t know the evaluators and evaluators don’t know the authors. The revision process last ten days one the paper is submitted.
- Language: Spanish, French or English; but Title, Abstract and Key Words are always in English.
- Paper Size: Letter
- Paper long: from 7 pages to 14
- Format: Word
- Columns: only one in Title, Authors, Abstract and Key Words; two for the rest.
- Citations: Arabic numbers in square brackets
- Structure: Problem, Objectives, Estate-of-the Art, Method, Results and Conclusions.
As a form of guidance, a Template is attached